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Отдых на море Туры по России Карелия Селигер Алтай Подмосковье
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Sunday, 09 March 2025

Озеро Ая
Парк отель Ая
Река Катунь
Усадьба Ника
Телецкое озеро
Алтай Resort
Другие регионы
Затерянный Рай
Марьин Остров
Рассветы над Бией
Туризм на Алтае
Altaiski Rayon
Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Altai


The Altai Territory is one of the most beautiful and original places in the world. Its forests are rich in animals, its rivers are abundant in fish, and its meadows are inimitably colourful.

The nature here is unique: relict pine forests that can be seen from space, caverns with traces of ancient people that form an intricate underground maze, and the head of the Ob River.

The mild climate favors the growing of great gardens in the foothills and a huge variety of agricultural products in the vast steppes. The Altai wheat is a world-class quality product, which is why Altai is called "the Granary of the Country". Altai honey, elite cheeses, maral breeding products, and many other goods are well known far beyond the region.

The Altai Territory is the perfect place for health improvement and therapy. Mineral springs, salubrious air, wild-growing medicinal herbs, therapeutic muds of steppe lakes... There exists a wide range of medical products based on the antlers of marals that improve health and extend the human life. The main resort of the region, Belokurikha, is the only restorative medicine centre beyond the Urals, known for innovative balneology. It is located by the thermal radon water springs and provides a wide range of hotel services. Altai has always been a crossroad of civilizations. This cultural and historical centre of Russia has been formed by mixing ancient and modern, Asian flavour and Russian initiative. Nowadays there still can be found a good many places that, at the very sight of the old mines, weirs, and the remains of ancient fortifications, literally take away the breath of a person interested in history.

Today hundreds of thousands of tourists are attracted to the Altai Territory. The interest in the region deepens year by year. Here people can hike or drive, ride a horse or a bicycle, raft the white waters of mountain rivers, ski down the steep slopes, fly a helicopter, paraglide, or explore the mysterious caverns with the help of special equipment.

Nowadays it is hard to imagine a tourist activity that is impossible within the Altai Territory. That is why visitors of Altai have no problems with choosing an interesting route.

One of the complex currently implementing projects is the Minor Golden Ring of Altai, which is bound to become a trademark of the region.

Business before pleasure

Altai becomes a popular place for various festivals and events (conferences, corporative trips, seminars, and trainings) at both international and regional levels. All this becomes possible thanks to up-to-date conference halls (at Korona Altaya (Altai Crown), Polina Altaya (Altai Valley), Zdravnitsa Aya (Aya Health Center) health resorts, Stick-Travel tourist complex), Internet and e-mail access, video and other equipment, comfortable accommodations, wonderful nature, a great choice of excursion programs and leisure time activities.

Such festivals as Siberian Athens, Delfic Games, Rainbow festival of children creative teams, Velofest (Biking Festival) and others become annual.

Altai Krai Union of Children and Teenagers Organizations
Yunost Summer Camp
Regional Youth Center
Yuventa Regional Year
Water activities
Tourist attraction for children
Equine tourism
Caving tours
Business before pleasure
In the vanilla sky...
Village tourism
Cultural tourism in Altai
Altai district
Altai souvenirs
Altai - is a perfect place for health improvement and medical treatment
Tourist attraction for children
Water activities
Altai Molodoy
Tours to Altai
Crown of Altai
Minor golden ring of Altai

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Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
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