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Sunday, 09 March 2025

Озеро Ая
Парк отель Ая
Река Катунь
Усадьба Ника
Телецкое озеро
Алтай Resort
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Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Altai arrow Crown of Altai
Crown of Altai

Crown of Altai

The sanatorium 'Crown of Altai' is situated on the isles next to the stormy mountain river Katune. It is protected from the northern winds by the mountain ridges of Altai and it's forests. The height from the sea level is 300 metres. The stormy flow of the cleanest water, which waters the rocky shores of the isle, the plentiful forest vegetation, form an exclusive microclimate, which makes a favorable influence on physical and psychological state of the guests. The isles are connected with the shore and each other by fundamental and original bridges. The four-storey building itself as if has grown from the rocks and naturally mixed with the local landscape.

The sanatorium 'Crown of Altai' is a real service of quality, high professionalism and skilled staff. Each Your wish and request will be accepted with care and understanding. Each guest will be offered an excursion or entertainment program, and health improvement services.

Just from the bridge in Aya, which is near the health resort 'Crown of Katune', the majority of excursion programs start in the whole part of Gorni Altai. There are formed groups for extremals of different categories. During winter You are offered skating, skiing entertainment programs in the skiing complex 'The mountain of Joy'. The exclusive position of the resort -in the heart of touristic life of Altai and it's isolation from other guests gives wide freedom in the choice of entertainment programs and planning of Your leisure.

The health improvement service includes:

  • A swimming- pool combining roman, Russian, Finnish bath-houses.
  • An hydro hospital with application of mineral, herbal, aromatic bath procedures in combination with chromo therapeutic, under water, and whirwindal massages. Hydro therapeutics-a shower Sharko, circular, assenting showers, vertical and horizontal shower Vishi;
  • Mud-cure room with application of highly effective, highly ecological mud from the region of Altai. Breath procedures-with modern appliances ,and the use of medical remedies hypo-oxygen therapeutics-treatment with the mountain air.
  • Salt- therapeutics/ 'Salty Cave'/
  • A room for physical procedures with electric treatment-magnet, light therapeutics;
  • Medical technologies on the basis of row hydro extract of Altaiian horned deer/the extract of the tinned horns of Altaiian deer/-dry aerial thermal baths;
  • Psychological relax room with modern European equipment;
  • Fit-bar with tea on the basis of the herbs of Altai, an oxygen cocktail;
  • A massage room with different types of massages;
  • Yoke-reflex therapeutic room;
  • A laboratory with application of methods of Express diagnosis;
  • A training hall with professional training appliances;
  • A cosmetic room of apparatus cosmetics - miostimulation, vacuum massage, including various face and body cosmetic procedures;
  • Hair-dressing saloon, manicure.

    ATTENTION. Before getting any treatment You should consult a doctor.


  • There are 39 rooms for 78 person. We have luxary, half-luxary rooms and apartments of different categories. The living conditions belong to '5 stars 'category. From every room there is a wonderful view to Katune and mountains. Luxary rooms and apartments have balconies. All the rooms are formed with an individual design and have all the proper conveniences for Your comfortable rest.

    Taking into consideration the comfort of the guests, the entertainment buildings are placed in a seperate tower. There are two restaurants /european, armenian/ a billiard-hall, a dance ground and a watching ground from which there opens a view to the sanatorium and Katune. In the opposite part of the resort to Your service is offered a swimming-pool with a cascade, russian, roman and finnish bath-houses /banya/,a massage room, solyari, a fitobar.

    'Crown of Altai' is a wonderful place for family and corporative rest. An exclusive opportunity for business world to combine leisure, treatment and job. The sanatorium has at it's disposal all kinds of communication; there is a conference hall with 70 seats, a room for negotiations, a round table area. The comfortable conditions help to make profitable agreements and contracts.


    This process is organized in two restaurants, where the skilled cooks offer You various dishes of armenian and russian cousines.
    The restaurants are wonderful places for organizations of Your leisure, arrangements, meetings, ceremonies and parties. You won't be indifferent to the wonderful dishes and mild atmosphere.

    Individual orders are also possible.

    There still remain corners where You can only hear the noise of wonderful Katune, and the rustle of the leaves.
    Whatever You choose -an excursion, extremal entertainment or just quiet rest there will be all the proper conditions in our health resort to make You get only pleasant impressions from the time passed here.


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