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Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Altai arrow Biysk


Biysk of today is not very large but quite modern, with its own traditions and mentality. There is something warm and sincere in its nature.

Biysk is located on the banks of the Biya, originating in Lake Teletskoe. A relic pine forest stretches along its left bank. Such rivers as the Biya, the Ob and the Katun, and the forests, surrounding the city, create unique microclimate, much milder compared to other Siberian terrains. Biysk is the second largest city in Altai with the population over 220 thousand people. The city has rich cultural and historical heritage. The residents of Biysk, being true Siberians, are open-hearted and hospitable people.

There are only six cities in Russia founded by the Personal Decree of Peter the First; and Biysk is the only one over the Urals. Different roads meet in Biysk and the Way to the Altai Mountains starts here. Here you set off for Lake Teletskoe, for Mount Belukha, for the resort area "Sky Blue Katun", for the resort-city Belokurikha and other places we are proud of.

Biysk has everything to meet tourists'needs. The bus station and the railway station are located on the same square. The railway ends its swift movement right in Biysk and the tourists have to change the rumble of train wheels into the rustling of bus tyres. All boat trips along the Ob, the Biya and the Katun start at the riverside station on the bank of the Biya. The airport of Biysk will soon be able to receive airplanes from all domestic airlines. Comfortable accommodation and meals in numerous cafes are also provided.

The flight from Moscow to Barnaul (the capital of Altai Krai) takes 4 hours.Timezone is GMT +6. The total area of Altai Krai and the Republic of Altai is about 260,000 square kilometers which makes up the territory of "2 Frances "or" 1.5 Germanies" About 2.7 million people live permanently in Altai. Most of the population is concentrated in the smooth terrain.

Taking a two-week trip round Altai, you have a chance to come across all four seasons and cover nearly all natural zones: from steppes and taiga, through arctic deserts to Alpine meadows and snowcapped peaks.

AItai is a wonderful area suffused with the power of majestic mountains, the sparkling of clear rivers, the spaciousness of curative lakes and boundless fields, the fragrance of hilly meadows and the stunning depth of human history. Altai is located in the very south of unbounded Siberia.

Altai is a cradle for many nations: the Scythians, the Turkic people, the Huns, the Dzungarians and many other tribes used to inhabit this land... The most ancient archaeological finds are nearly a million years old! Nowadays there is a scientific hypothesis that there existed a peculiar human type, Homo altaiensis, together with our known ancestors. The fact is proven by the DNA analysis of the human remnants uncovered in a famous Denis's cave, an archaeological monument of world importance.


In 2010 the monument of Peter the First, the city founder, was erected in Biysk. Now there are two “Bronze Horsemen” in Russia, in St. Petersburg and in Biysk! In 2005 Biysk received the status of a science town of the Russian Federation, which confirmed its high innovative potential.iysk was founded on July 18th, 1709 by the Personal Decree of the great Russian Emperor Peter the First. Originally, it was a small Cossack fortress strategically located at the junction of two rivers. The fortress was destroyed by nomads, then it was restored upstream the river. Afterwards it was repeatedly reconstructed until it grew into a stable merchant city. Trade links of Biysk merchants extended from Mongolia and China to England and Holland. During the Soviet power, the city first became industrial and then it turned into a research-and- production centre.Most houses in the Old Centre are built from so-called“dropped” bricks. Strong men took several bricks out ofmeter height. If all the bricks put into construction. That is the stand so firmly up to now.

The restoration work has returned the previous look to many buildings so far; the streets of Biysk are getting better and the parks thrive.This district seems to be a perfect place for a cup of coffee in a cosy cafe and it invites to enjoy traditional Siberian cuisine in a true restaurant-museum. All in all, there are 273 historical, cultural and architectural monuments in Biysk; most of them occupy the historical part of the city. It is a lovely district for walks and excursions, really appreciated by both Biysk residents and guests. Every step brings its discoveries; every building gladdens the eye with its unique style. Even the street names, such as Forshtadtskaya Street, Uspenskaya Street, Leo Tolstoy's Street, Proletarskaya Street, Chkalov's Street, reflect an historical image of the city in modern life.According to all heraldry rules, the city Emblem has to be rather laconic. But local folks are not reserved or cold at all, so the emblem blossomed outwith colours, gained ribbons, curlicues ahd changed its proportions. Now the city has two emblems: one is official and another Is “public”.


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