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Отдых на море Туры по России Карелия Селигер Алтай Подмосковье
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Sunday, 09 March 2025

Озеро Ая
Парк отель Ая
Река Катунь
Усадьба Ника
Телецкое озеро
Алтай Resort
Другие регионы
Затерянный Рай
Марьин Остров
Рассветы над Бией
Туризм на Алтае
Altaiski Rayon
Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Altai arrow Altai - is a perfect place for health improvement and medical treatment
Altai - is a perfect place for health improvement and medical treatment

Altai - is a perfect place for health improvement and medical treatment

But even the treatment of the highest quality cannot be complete without a perfect rest. That is why, to improve both your physical and moral health we offer you adventure holyday.

Winter mountain activities, driving in a coach-and- three, sleighing, snowmobile riding, downhill skiing are at all your disposal. The Dolina Altaya (Altai Valley) health resort, the Gora Vesyolaya (Merry Mountain) and Gorynya winter recreation activities complexes, and the Biryuzovaya Katun (Sky-Blue Katun) tourist complex invite you to enjoy alpine skiing tracks.

In summer you'll have an exciting opportunity to raft along mountain rivers. Surrounded by startling landscapes you'll experience a delightful sensation of victory over strong mountain rivers.

The Baranchinsky Pereval tourist complex welcomes those who admire hunting holidays, fishing and roe deer stalking. If you wish to have a good rest with profit to your moral and physical health, you need to go the Altai District. The Korona Altaya (Altai Crown) health resort situated on Pikhtovy Island (Fir Island) is home to a dormitory, restaurants, bars, a billiard saloon, a dance floor and a therapeutic complex offering a swimming pool, baths, saunas, a herbal tea room, a speleotherapy room, an inhalatorium, hydropathic establishment, SPA-therapy section, etc.

The Dolina Altaya (Altai Valley) health resort welcomes those who are tired of the city noise and dream of reaching psychological conciliation and harmony!

Special programs are designed for treatment of specific diseases with the help of diverse treatment methods: thermotherapy, manual therapy, psychotherapy, hirudi- nization, reflexology, various kinds of massage, skeletal extension, exercises at the gym, oxygen cocktail, and herbal tea.

The Stick-Travel tourist complex and Zdravnitsa Aya (Aya Health Center) offer a great number of health improving programs as well.

For many centuries folk medicine practitioners of South East Asia have been considering velvet antlers a life elixir capable of increasing human's life force, strengthening will and postponing senility. Eastern people believe that ginseng is the ling of the flora, whereas antler is the king of the fauna. The antlers healing baths and steam mini-saunas are taken in cedar barrels and tubs. The overall effect consists in rejuvenation after exhaustion and overfatigue, wound healing, enhancement of blood circulation and sexual potency.

There are four health centers in the Altai region employing antlers product line: Antares, Kahimskoye LLC, Tcheremshanka and the village of Basargino - a project which brings together the newest achievements, is politics- and religion-free and oriented at single-minded persons, businessmen and creative people.

The health centers of the district usefully employ the products of the Biolit Scientific Production Company. The company's know-how is the advanced processing of vegetal resources at the place of their growth and collection.


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Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
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