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Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Altai district

Altai District

Let us introduce you to the Altai district, one of the most beautiful piedmonts of Altai Krai.

The Altai district is proud of its developed sports, recreation and tourism infrastructure considered best in Altai. Our main goals are to continue development of this upcoming sector and to create favorable conditions for potential investors as well as tourist facilities of the region. Trade, catering and service industries are among Altai advancing domains.

The Altai istrict is one of the Altai's biggest agrarian complexes consisting of Siberian stag farms and health centers offering the best antler products, wild mountain herbs accompanied by a healing climate.

The Altai district is next best to the Crimean and Caucasian health resorts considering the number of sunny days, whereas the percentage of air ions in Altai air is twice as much as that in Switzerland. Unique nature of Altai grants an opportunity of unforgettable recreation in any season, rejuvenating and health-improving facilities, enthralling trips and exclusive wild animals and game hunting tours, exciting experience of downhill skiing and rafting as well as descending into deep caves and rock climbing. Under the decree of the Russian Federation administration a special economic area for tourism and recreation Biryuzovaya Katun (Sky-blue Katun) and a special economic area for gambling Sibirskaya Moneta (Siberian Coin) are being developed.

  • The Altai district covers a total land area of 3,490 sq km.
  • The district has a population of about 25,000 people.
  • Village Altayskoye founded in 1808 is the district center, its population being 12.9 thousand people.
  • The district territory embraces 10 village soviets and 24 settlements.

12 agricultural enterprises, 3 agro processors and farms comprise the economic, social and cultural bases. The collective farm livestock sector is one of the biggest in Altai. There are a large road-building company and two motor vehicle fleets in the district. 22 enterprises of all patterns of ownership produce food stuff.

The education system is represented by 18 comprehensive schools, the Altai technical college,2 professional colleges, 3 branches of higher education institutions, a number of child welfare institutions, a children art school, a children sport school, 6 preschool institutions. 20 village recreation centers, 20 library branches and a children's library offer their service within the district.

The district has a rich history: first populated by the Altai tribes, the district became home to many Russian settlers in the 18th century.

A trade route linking Russia and Mongolia, and, farther, China has crossed the Altai district since ancient times. At the end of the 19th century the route was renamed into Chuysky Trakt (or Chuya Highway). Today the Chuya Highway goes along the right bank of the Katun River, whereas its part crosses Altayskoye village, Sarasa village and Beloye village and is called Old Chuysky Trakt.

Its reconstruction is planned for the near future. Among famous Altai researches who passed this highway are P.A. Chikhachyov, V.V. Sapozhnikov, V.A. Obruchev, N.K. Rerikh and many others. V.V. Shishkov's impact is great as he not only described the Altayskoye village of the beginning of the 20th century in vivid details in his short stories but was the person to explore the route of y's Chuysky Trakt. The Altai district borders the health resort of Belokurikha on the west and Altai Republic on the south-east. It is one of the Altai piedmonts famous for its exceptional recreation resources such as picturesque submountain landscapes and woodland sceneries, health climate, most beautiful rivers of Altai - the Katun and the Peschanaya rivers, 10 natural sanctuaries including'Aya Lake - nature's chef-d'oeuvre, the blue pearl of Altai.

The Altai district is proud of its developed sports, recreation and tourism infrastructure considered best in Altai. Our main goals are to continue ent of this upcoming sector and to create favorable conditions for potential investors as well as tourist facilities of the region. Trade, catering and service industries are among Altai advancing domains.

The Altai istrict is one of the Altai's biggest agrarian complexes consisting of Siberian stag farms and health centers offering the best antler products, wild mountain herbs accompanied by a healing climate.

The Altai district is next best to the Crimean and Caucasian health resorts considering the number of sunny days, whereas the percentage of air ions in Altai air is twice as much as that in Switzerland. Unique nature of Altai grants an opportunity of unforgettable recreation in any season, rejuvenating and health-improving facilities, enthralling trips and exclusive wild animals and game hunting tours, exciting experience of downhill skiing and rafting as well as descending into deep caves and rock climbing. Under the decree of the Russian Federation administration a special economic area for tourism and recreation Biryuzovaya Katun (Sky-blue Katun) and a special economic area for gambling Sibirskaya Moneta (Siberian Coin) are being developed.

Head of Altai District

The Altai district covers a total land area of 3,490 sq km.

The district has a population of about 25,000 people.

Village Altayskoye founded in 1808 is the district center, its population being 12.9 thousand people.

The district territory embraces 10 village Soviets and 24 settlements.

12 agricultural enterprises, 3 agro processors and farms comprise the economic, social and cultural bases. The collective farm livestock sector is one of the biggest in Altai. There are a large road-building company and two motor vehicle fleets in the district. 22 enterprises of all patterns of ownership produce food stuff.

The Altai district borders the health resort of Belokurikha on the west and Altai Republic on the south-east. It is one of the Altai piedmonts famous for its exceptional recreation resources such as picturesque submountain landscapes and woodland sceneries, health climate, most beautiful rivers of Altai - the Katun and the Peschanaya rivers, 10 natural sanctuaries including Aya Lake - nature's chef-d'oeuvre, the blue pearl of Altai.

The education system is represented by 18 comprehensive schools, the Altai technical college, 2 professional colleges, 3 branches of higher education institutions, a number of child welfare institutions, a children art school, a children sport school, 6 preschool institutions. 20 village recreation centers, 20 library branches and a children's library offer their service within the district.

The district has a rich history: first populated by the Altai tribes, the district became home to many Russian settlers in the 18th century.

A trade route linking Russia and Mongolia, and, farther, China has crossed the Altai district since ancient times. At the end of the 19th century the route was renamed into Chuysky Trakt (or Chuya Highway). Today the Chuya Highway goes along the right bank of the Katun River, whereas its part crosses Altayskoye village, Sarasa village and Beloye village and is called Old Chuysky Trakt.

Its reconstruction is planned for the near future. Among famous Altai researches who passed this highway are P.A. Chikhachyov, V.V. Sapozhnikov, V.A. Obruchev, N.K. Rerikh and many others. V.Y. Shishkov's impact is great as he not only described the Altayskoye village of the beginning of the 20th century in vivid details in his short stories but was the person to explore the route of today's Chuysky Trakt.

The Altai district borders the health resort of Belokurikha on the west and Altai Republic on the south-east. It is one of the Altai piedmonts famous for its exceptional recreation resources such as picturesque submountain landscapes and woodland sceneries, health climate, most beautiful rivers of Altai - the Katun and the Peschanaya rivers, 10 natural sanctuaries including Aya Lake - nature's chef-d'oeuvre, the blue pearl of Altai.

The Altai district is a Mecca for tourists of Altai Krai. More than 70 enterprises and over 200 farmsteads are found in travel and tourism industry.

The district offers a wide range of sports, recreation and tourism facilities: touring by car, equine tourism, backpacking, water activities (rafting on different degrees of rough water of the Katun and Peschanaya rivers), downhill skiing, caving (there are over 30 coves explored in the district). Paragliding, sky surfing, festival, business and village (or green) tourism attract many people as well.


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