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Sunday, 09 March 2025

Озеро Ая
Парк отель Ая
Река Катунь
Усадьба Ника
Телецкое озеро
Алтай Resort
Другие регионы
Затерянный Рай
Марьин Остров
Рассветы над Бией
Туризм на Алтае
Altaiski Rayon
Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Altai arrow Cultural tourism in Altai
Cultural tourism in Altai

Cultural tourism in Altai

Cognitive tourism represented by history, culture and eth-nographic constituents is considered an upcoming tendency of the district's development. One of the most interesting historic events of the district was Nikolay Rerikh’s Altai expedition of 1926 which partially took place in the Altai district. A hall in the District Museum of Regional Studies devoted to N. Rerikh welcomes all visitors.

The Altai District Museum of Regional Studies comprises 10 halls exhibiting 7 thousand museum pieces. The expositions illustrate the material and spiritual culture of the Altai volost citizens of the 18-19th centuries and Altai Krai of the 20th century, as well as the district's flora and fauna since ancient times.

There are a great number of historical, architectural and archeological monuments on the territory of the district. Archeological monuments number 50, but of greatest interest are the cave monuments. The Tavdin grotto is famous for the excavations that will be carried out for 10-15 years more and are sure to open many obscure pages from Altai history. An archeological park Perekryostok Vremeni (Epoch Crossroads) is being built on the territory of the a special economic area Biryuzovaya Katun (Skybkje Katun).

Here one can get intimate with the history of a Paleolithic man, visit sacred sites (holy places), try on costumes and armor of ancient warriors, and take part in the scientific excavations.


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Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
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