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Sunday, 09 March 2025

Озеро Ая
Парк отель Ая
Река Катунь
Усадьба Ника
Телецкое озеро
Алтай Resort
Другие регионы
Затерянный Рай
Марьин Остров
Рассветы над Бией
Туризм на Алтае
Altaiski Rayon
Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Altai arrow In the vanilla sky...
In the vanilla sky...

In the vanilla sky...

Ability to fly has been the dream of humankind from time immemorial. But the dreams are to come true. You are destined to incomparable impressions after sky surfing, paragliding, parachuting, and ballooning. Actively developing extreme leisure time activities, such as paragliding and sky diving are all at your service.
The district is situated at the border of steppe and mountain systems offering you flight-favorable natural conditions. Various events - from standard stunt flying to sporting events - are held here. The skills necessary for the first flights can be acquired with the help of an knowledgeable instructor. The bird's eye view will let amazing sceneries and landscapes unfold before your eyes.


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Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
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