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Sunday, 09 March 2025

Озеро Ая
Парк отель Ая
Река Катунь
Усадьба Ника
Телецкое озеро
Алтай Resort
Другие регионы
Затерянный Рай
Марьин Остров
Рассветы над Бией
Туризм на Алтае
Altaiski Rayon
Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Altai arrow Equine tourism
Equine tourism

Equine tourism

If you wish to experience a miraculous contact with nature, if you crave for adrenaline buzz and desire to visit inaccessible Altai spots, we recommend horseback riding tours. Both experienced candidates and first-timers will find it easy to make a horseback ride to the mountains of Chyortov Palets (Devil's Finger) and Babyrgan, to a Siberian stag farm, an apiary. They will be granted an opportunity to enjoy a magnificent view of peaks and an ocean of alpine flowers, to try mountain spring water and salubrious Altai honey.

We believe in equestrian travel as a way to practice a fascinating sport and at the same time to interact with other people.

You can also experience splendid winter horseback riding vacations!

One of the places of great interest for tourists and guests of our district is the horse nursery Konny Dvor (Stables) situated in the vicinity of Altayskoye village. Every year Konny Dvor holds exciting horse shows. The horse nursery is primarily engaged in saddle horse breeding and sales.


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Экскурсионные туры на Горный Алтай Пешие походы на Горный Алтай Сплавы по рекам Алтая Конные туры по Алтаю Велотуры по Алтаю
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