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Monday, 30 December 2024

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Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Altai arrow Regional Youth Center
Regional Youth Center

Regional Youth Center

The Regional Youth Center Regional State Institution is a special youth ground, on the basis of which 10 youth public or-ganizations conduct their permanent activity, regional events are organized, and which hosts the Youth PatrioticTraining Center and the regional Social Information Center.

The 2009-2011 Regional Youth Center Development Re-gional State Institution Development departmental target program was worked out, and within the framework of which a complex reconstruction and modern equipping of the youth center are planned: attic floor construction accompanied by broach reproofing, equipping of an all-purpose transformable central hall with a multi-functional stage complex, general interior face-lift, heat insulation and modern materials finishing of building facades, improvement of the adjacent territory.

Within the program implementation, human resourcing of the following new Regional Youth Center organization departments will be continued: the Social Information Center, the Innovative Practice Center, the Youth PatrioticTraining Center, the Youth Policy Methodological Support Center.


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