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Sunday, 09 March 2025

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Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Altai arrow Altai Krai Union of Children and Teenagers Organizations
Altai Krai Union of Children and Teenagers Organizations

Altai Krai Union of Children and Teenagers Organizations

The Altai Krai Union of Children and Teenagers Organi-zations is a legal successor of the Young Pioneer Organization. The Union connects 1326 primal organizations from 76 territories of the region numbering 180 thousand children and adults living and working under'To the Motherland, the Good and the Justice! '.Thanks to this organization, our region has a profound system of children and teenagers movement personnel training: senior councilors, organizing teachers, educational work deputy directors at educational institutions of the region.

Annually, the following events are held: the Councilor of the Year regional contest, a regional get-together of the Altai Leader children and teenagers organization activists group, the XXI Century Leader regional children public associations leaders competition, The Altai International Summer Children Village, the Do Good for the Benefit of People regional competition of social projects, the This Concerns Me regional contest of children social movement coordinators.

For about 20 years the Altai Krai Union of Children and Teenagers Organizations educates and sends the best repre-sentatives of children and teenagers social organizations, con-test, festivals, Olympiads, competitions winners to the Orlyonok (Little Eagle) and Okean (Ocean) All-Russian Children Centers.

The following federal children programs are very popular in the districts of the region: Children's Order of Mercy, Dem-ocratic Culture School, A Game is a Serious Affair, Beauty Will Save the World, Culture and Sports are a Way to a Healthy Life-style, Scarlet Sails, Ecology and Children, Own Voice.

In 1999 the Yuventa regional all-year pedagogical team was created on the basis of the Altai Krai Union of Children and Teenage Organization, consisting of the best students and working youth of the region.


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