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Monday, 10 March 2025

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Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Belokurikha arrow The history of Belokurikha
The history of Belokurikha

The history of Belokurikha

Nature created healing springs in the valley of a mountain river Belokurikha in ancient times. But the honor of opening their unique properties is fallen by Russian settlers in the middle of 19 century. It is hard to believe, but at first the peasants piled healing keys by earth, to get rid of the dampness and snakes, swarming around! It is not wonder that the first well above the SQurce, which was built later, was called “Snake”. And only over time people began to notice: Water helps to cure various diseases. One of the peasants, whom life-giving water helps to cure his shattered arm, brought samples of “living water” in Barnaul to a renowned researcher and scientist S. I. Gulyaev, who was able to appreciate their unique properties.

For the first time, when a press began to write about the healing Belokurikha was in 1867. It was in the newspaper “Tomsk Provincial Gazette”. Information about the miraculous keys taken up by other publications and popular rumor, and the first guests began to arrive here, the year 1967 is considered the birth date of the resort. The first baths in these places was built near the sources in 1869. In 1916 Belokurikha, which was lost in the Altai foothills, has been up to 500 patients per year, including overseas! In the 20-30-ies of the last ceintury on the site of the village Novobelokuriha was founded the resort village, the first sleeping body was built. It became a tradition for many heads of state to arrive in Belokurikha for health .

The first Belokurikha flowing wells appeared in 1934. The All-Union Young Pioneer camp Artek was evacuated here during the war. In the postwar years, the development of the resort was continued, in 70-ies Belokurikha was given the status of the resort of national importahce. Largely through the efforts of the Minister of Medium Machine-Building Slavskogo a massive building, transformed the depths of Siberia to transform in the famous spa center was launched here.

Clinical studies, which grew for nearly a century in the ^global scientific work, are conducted since 20-ies. The results of these clinical studies can return the health of hundred thousands of people. The high status Belokurikha was again confirmed in 1992: she was awarded the resort of federal value.

In the ХХI century Belokurikha entered as a popular resort, only behind the Ural Center of Restorative Medicine, a pioneer in the field of balneology.


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